When the Lord saw her, His heart overflowed with compassion. “Don’t cry!” He said. Luke 7:13
- One of the wonderful attributes of the Lord is His great compassion.
- The Bible tells us that our God is gracious and full of compassion.
- Compassion is the ability to share another person’s struggle.
- However, compassion is also linked to an urgent desire to help.
- The Lord knows what you are going through, and He will step in and help.
- Like the widow in this passage, you are the kind of person that Jesus came to help.
- Mark, and remember, Jesus has the power to bring hope out of any tragedy.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You can see what is happening in, and with me. Your compassion is overflowing towards me, and Your help will be dispensed to me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Have a Glorious Weekend. Good morning. Shalom!
God bless you always and in all ways.