The angel answered, ‘The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.’
Luke 1:35
- Oh the joy to know that God is with us.
- The miraculous deed of God by the Holy Spirit would be your portion this season.
- May the Spirit of the Lord come upon you afresh as you determine to walk in holiness.
- When the Holy Spirit comes upon us the greatest miracles can take place.
- When the Lord’s shadow falls on us we know that we are under His wings.
- Expect more of His abiding presence and power in and on your life.
- Jesus obeyed God and was thus able to face sin’s consequences in our place and made us acceptable to God.
PRAYER: Lord, may Your Holy Spirit rest on me and may I know that You are with me. I place my life in Your capable hands, and may I remain acceptable to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a Blessed Tuesday. Good afternoon. Shalom!
God bless you always and in all ways.